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Shardiya Navratri 2022 Wishes, Date, And Time

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Shardiya Navratri 2022: This year, Shardiya Navratri, the Goddess Durga Puja celebration, begins on September 26. Devotees fast and offer nine days of prayers to the mother’s nine forms at this time. It is said that during this time, requests made by devotees with a pure heart are granted. Four Navratris occur each year.

Shardiya Navratri 2022

Happy Shardiya Navratri

Describe how each year there are four Navratri, two of which are Gupt Navratri and two of which are direct Navratri.

Shardiya Navratri 2022 Date

Chhath Navratri and Shardiya Navratri are alternate names for Pravesh Navratri.

Shardiya Navratri 2022

Ashwin is the month in which Shardiya Navratri falls. Shardiya Navratri is the name of the Navratri that occurs in the month of Ashwin.

Shardiya Navratri Images
Devotees create Kalash and worship the various manifestations of Goddess Durga during these nine days.

Shardiya Navratri Kab Hai

Let us know Sharadiya Navratri Ghatasthapana’s auspicious time, date, and other facts. Beginning of Shardiya Navratri and Ghat Construction.

Shardiya Navratri Kab Se Hai
According to the predictions of Jyotishacharya Navin Chandra Joshi, this Shardiya Navratri would start on September 26 and last till October 5.

Shardiya Navratri Kab Se Shuru Ho Raha Hai

The urn will be established on this day. This is also known as Ghatasthapana. Ghatasthapana Shubh Muhurta will occur on September 26 from 6.20 am to 10.19 am.

Shardiya Navratri Mata Ki Sawari

Maa Durga is about to arrive on an elephant. The Panchang suggests that this year’s Shardiya Navratri will be particularly noteworthy. as Navratri this year begins on Monday.

Shardiya Navratri Status

This day is seen as exceptionally lucky. Along with this, Maa Durga appears riding an elephant when Navratri begins on Sunday or Monday.

Shardiya Navratri Wishes

The world will become happier and more prosperous if you ride an elephant. The global peace movement will be successful. With this, this Navratri will turn out to be fortunate for the entire nation.

Navratri date:

Pratipada 26 September – Monday

Dwitiya 27 September – Tuesday

Tritiya 28 September – Wednesday

Chaturthi 29 September – Thursday

Panchami 30 September – Friday

Shashti – October 1 – Saturday

Saptami – October 2 – Sunday

Ashtami October 3 – Monday

Navami – October 4 – Tuesday

Dashami – October 5 – Wednesday

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